Small Business Consulting

small business peedee south carolina

With our Small Business Services, we want to help save time and money forming a business the most efficient way possible, based on your needs and goals of forming a company.  With the many challenges that come with starting a business, dealing with extensive paperwork should not be one of them. There are several types of business formations to choose from: Sole Proprietorship, C-Corporation, S-Corporation, or an LLC. All four types have unique requirements and separate rules and regulations in order for them to be formed and maintained. To get started with forming your business, contact us today.


Please note: all packages are customizable.

Tax Bookkeeping in PeeDee South Carolina


  • In Depth Business Name Search

  • Business Domain Search

  • Register Business in Selected State

  • Form Employee Identification Number (EIN) with the IRS

Nonprofit taxes bookkeeping peedee south carolina


  • Clarity of Business Product or Service Idea

  • Business Name Development and In Depth Business Name Search

  • Establishment of Business Domain and Business Email Address

  • Determine Legal Entity (LLP, LLC, L3C or Incorporation)

  • Registration of Business in Selected State

  • Form Employee Identification Number (EIN) with the IRS

  • Accounting/Bookkeeping Software Implementation

  • Tax Consulting Specific to the Start-up Phase

  • Business Foundation Basics (Operations, Banking, Financial Management, and Business Tools/Resources)

  • 4-6 Weeks Duration

Peedee South Carolina Nonprofit consulting


  • Business Name Development In-Depth Business Name Search

  • Business Domain Search

  • Purchase Business Domain; Establish Business Email Address

  • Registration of Business in Selected State

  • Form Employee Identification Number (EIN) with the IRS

  • Determine Legal Entity (Sole Proprietorship, LLP, LLC, L3C or Incorporation)

  • Business Foundation Basics (Operations, Banking, Financial Management, and Business Tools/Resources)

  • Trademark or Service Mark Search

  • Submission of State Level Trademark Application

  • In Depth Financial & Tax Planning Strategies

  • Assistance with establishing Business Credit Profiles

  • Business Banking & Merchant Services (Electronic Payments) Integration

  • In Depth Business Plan Development

  • 6-8 Weeks Duration


Small Business Consulting